Today's message



 *SCRIPTURE READING:* Acts 5:27-33
The name of Jesus, as common as it might be nowadays, is powerful above all other names. This power is beyond measure. By that name all authorities in heaven, on earth, in the netherworld, and everywhere must bow to it.

The enemy finds it difficult to mention. Why are some seemingly fake and inauthentic pastors and ministers adulterating it? I would like to believe, the correct pronunciation is a threat to the them.

The persecutors of the disciples found it difficult to mention the name of Jesus. Check this out,  "we strictly charged you not to teach in *this name*..." What name? I would like to believe they couldn't mention this powerful name at ease. The name Jesus is powerful to save, heal, protect, guide, and overcome the power of the supreme enemy. Let us trust and rely fully on this name, JESUS CHRIST.

LORD Jesus, save me by your name, Amen.

*Daily Readings:*
Acts 5:27-33/Psalm 34:2,9, 17-18, 19-20/John 3:31-36

Rev Fr Sixtus Evans Appiah Kyeremeh.

_(Catholic Diocese of Sunyani-St Joseph's Parish-Amasu/Pampaso)_

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